Month: January 2019

The Tongue-Tying Curse

Last Tuesday at 04:01:26 UTC, the Grin mainnet went live.  Grin is a cryptocurrency, but unlike most, it is not based on the Bitcoin protocol.  Instead, Grin uses Mimblewimble, which was first proposed in 2016.  Mimblewimble is an important development because it improves both privacy and scalability, two concerns that are normally at odds with…

Bitcoin and the Problem of Privacy

In the conventional financial system, privacy depends on keeping transactions known only by the parties involved, but Satoshi Nakamoto’s design for Bitcoin depends on public transactions to prove the validity of the blockchain.  In the original Bitcoin white paper, Satoshi writes, The traditional banking model achieves a level of privacy by limiting access to information…

A Bitcoin Retrospective

The Bitcoin network went live ten years ago today.  In those very early days of Bitcoin, the nascent cryptocurrency was little more than a novelty.  I don’t recall exactly when I learned of Bitcoin, but it was probably a couple years later.  By that time, it was regarded as “magic Internet money,” a novelty that…